Monday, August 17, 2009

The... iPod? What?

So for everybody that's been following my real life activity, you probably know that I've been sick. Horribly sick, actually. It's kind of like a mix between a mild form of mono and the stomach flu.

And those two don't combine well.

Think about it. Or don't, actually, that's probably better.

Anyway, I don't have the mental power to actually write anything important right now, but I remembered a while ago that I had written a little piece on my iPod a week or so ago, so I emailed it to myself, and decided to post it.

Life is moving on, and I guess I should move on with it. Recently I've been just kind of going with the flow more than I've wanted. I don't really understand why I have, and I still don't quite understand why I've suddenly snapped back into reality, but I have to say, I sort of enjoy it - bring part of reality again. It's all so refreshing.

It's so strange. I guess, I'm here, sitting in the back of Gareth's car, thinking about how much my life is changing and where I'm going with it, and for once,

I'm not depressed.

I've started to accept me as I am. Before, I just would hve said, "No, I'm not nervous about the future, I'm going to go places!" But... Now, I'm finally accepting myself. Yeah, I'm nervous. I'm worried about the future, but I know myself now, and I know that I'm going to take every opportunity I can to improve my life. I'm going to do everything that I can to improve myself. And yeah, maybe life won't turn out exactly as I want it to, but whatever happens, I'll know that I did everything I can, and that will be good enough. I mean, I know that I'm intelligent, I know that I have skills that are useful in the future, so I know that I'm not going to fail at life, and I know that no matter what happens, I'll have God on my side watching out for me.

Am I worried about my future? Yeah.

But am I afraid? Never.

Deep thought in the back seat. Anyway, don't forget to pick up this blog here.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, you were sick. So sick, nobody could contact you. I felt kinda bad for you, heh.

    So, you're not lying and saying that you're invincible anymore? That's good. I'm very happy for you. Seriously, not sarcastically.
